May 22th, 2023:Tenured Associate Professor Shohei Hattori has been awarded the 18th (2022) Japan Society of Atmospheric Chemistry (JpSAC) Young Scientist Award Award.
April 12th, 2023: Dr. Anran Cheng from Department of Earth Science, University of Oxford gave us a talk named "The transport of helium in an intracratonic basin and the mechanism of potential reservoir formation".
April 11th, 2023: Dr. Li Ji from International Centre for Research on Innovative Biobased Materials (ICRI-BioM), Lodz University of Technology gave us a talk named “Synergy between Experiments and Computations: A Green Channel for Revealing Metabolic Mechanism of Xenobiotics”.
Mar. 23rd,2023: Prof. Xu Weibiao and Prof Jiang Yun from Purple Mountain Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences visited ICIER. Yan Hao and Cao Xiaobin gave presentations on the calibration of silicate D17O. Bao Huiming, Peng Yongbo, and more than 20 students of ICIER attended the discussion.
Feb. 7th, 2023: outstanding students of ICIER in 2022
Feb. 7th, 2023: Graduate students presenting a summary of their research progress.
Feb. 1st, 2023: Dr. Shanyu Han officially joined ICIER as Faculty Member
Oct. 26th, 2022: Group photo on Zijin Mountain
Sept. 26th, 2022: Pro. Chris Butch from College of Engineering and Applied Sciences gave us a talk named “Big data in biomolecular isotope mapping by machine learned fractionation calculations”.
Sept. 26th, 2022: Photo of ICIER 2022
Sept. 1st, 2022: Prof. Xiaobin Cao co-leaded the field trip of undergraduate students from School of Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing University from 2022-08-21 to 2022-09-10.
Aug. 19th, 2022: Pro. Wei Li from School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University gave us a talk entitled "Zn isotope fractionation at mineral/water interface".
Aug. 16th, 2022: Meng Guo from Yale University will give us a talk.
Aug. 7th, 2022: Dr. Xiaobin Cao published a paper on Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta named "Diffusional isotope fractionation of singly and doubly substituted isotopologues of H2, N2 and O2 during air-water gas transfer".
July 5th, 2022: Dr. Naizhong Zhang from Tokyo Tech gave us a talk entitled "Abiotic methane formation in nature: information from clumped isotope analysis of laboratory synthesized methane".
June 14th, 2022: Dr. Bryan Killingsworth from USGS gave us a talk entitled "A d18O perspective on SO4-H2O-O2 triple oxygen isotopes".
June 8th, 2022: Prof. Shohei Hattori won the "Hirata Award (平田賞)" for the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice (日本雪氷学会). The award ceremony and presentation will be given in October 4th, 2022.
May 30th, 2022: Prof. Huiming Bao attended ISI + Isotopes joint conference in Zurich, Switzerland.
May 17th, 2022: Dr. Junbo Ren from Jilin University gave us a talk entitled "Stable isotopes of Cenozoic mummified fossil wood cellulose and their paleoclimatic implications".
May 10th, 2022: Dr. Mimi Chen from PKU gave us a talk entitled "When atmospheric S met hydrothermal S in Archean deep ocean".
May 2nd, 2022: Dr. Yongbo Peng published a paper on PNAS.
April 15th, 2022: Prof. Shohei Hattori received the Asahi Group Environmental & Sustainability Research Award by the Asahi Group Foundation.
Mar. 9th, 2022: Dr. Yuzhen Yan from Rice University gave us a talk entitled "Ice core evidence for atmospheric oxygen decline since the Mid-Pleistocene transition".
Dec. 29th, 2021: The first laser fluorination vacuum line at ICIER yielded high precision triple oxygen isotope data. Repeated measurements of the same silicate standards generated a reproducibility of several ppm.
Dec. 24th, 2021: Dr. Shohei Hattori officially joined ICIER as Faculty Member and Dr. Fumihiro Matsu’ura officially joined ICIER as Postdoctoral Researcher.
Nov. 3rd, 2021: Prof. Tengyu Liu from the School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University gave us a talk entitled "Oxidation of sulfur dioxide by nitrogen dioxide accelerated at the interface of deliquesced aerosol particles".
Oct. 13th, 2021: Thermo Fisher Instrument training, which had been suspended for more than two months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has resumed.
Oct. 9th, 2021: ICIER first external sample measuring sercive for the n-alkanes hydrogen Isotope from Prof. Youping Zhou group of Shanxi University of Science and Technology.
Oct. 8th, 2021: Ruizhu Chen, Xu Li joined ICIER as Master student, and Ziluan Chen joined ICIER as PhD.
Sept. 28th, 2021: Longchen Zhu joined ICIER as an incoming PhD, officially enrolled in September 2022.
Aug. 10th, 2021: The first Oxygen isotope data at ICIER.
July 1st, 2021: Dr. Hao Yan officially joined ICIER as Faculty Member.
May 16th, 2021: One Thermo 253 Ultra were unpacked and started the installation.
May 15th, 2021: Three Thermo Delta V Plus and two 253 Plus were unpacked and started the installation.
May 7th, 2021: Xiang Sun joined ICIER as an incoming PhD, officially enrolled in September.
Mar. 3rd, 2021: Dr. Haiyang Wang joined ICIER as postdoc.
Jan. 15th, 2021: The first laser fluorination vacuum line for high‐precision analysis of triple oxygen isotopes is udner construction.
Jan. 1st, 2021: Xiaobin Cao and Huiming Bao “Small triple oxygen isotope variations in sulfate: Mechanisms and applications” was published in Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry.
Dec. 2020: Xing et al “Vapor isotopic evidence for the worsening of winter air quality by anthropogenic combustion-derived water” was published in PNAS.
Dec. 18th, 2020: Dr. Xiaobin Cao presented a short-course talk titled “Small triple oxygen isotope variations in sulfate: Mechanisms and applications” at a workshop “Triple Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry” via zoom.
Dec. 2020: Massive renovation of laboratory suite began.
Dec. 2020: Spectro ICP-OES (Arcos) and Linseis Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (STA PT1600) arrived on Dec. 18th and on Dec. 31th, respectively.
Nov. 2020: Dr. Dongjian Ouyang and Dr. Yanqing Li joined ICIER as postdoc and associate researcher, respectively.
Nov. 17th: ABB Triple Isotopic water Analyzer (GLA431-TIWA) arrived.
Oct. 19th: Three Thermo Delta V Plus with peripherals arrived.
Oct. 15th: One Thermo 253 Ultra and two 253 Plus arrived.
Oct. 14th: Thermo Orbitrap arrived.
July 10th, 2020: The first batch of instruments bidding opened.
June 2020: Administrative and research staff of ICIER formally moved into the Modern Engineering Building at Xianlin campus.
May 2020: Laboratory equipment acquisition plan passed an ad-hoc committee's inspection.
May 2020: Renovation plan for ICIER laboratory suite was approved by a committee of 18 members from NJU and other research institutes and universities in the country.
Jan. 2020: Modern Engineering Building in the campus opened for renovation; electricity, water, and AC were available.