International  Center  for  Isotope  Effects  Research

Nanjing University

Three positions open at ICIER

  We at the International Center for Isotope Effects Research (ICIER), Nanjing University, are actively recruiting new faculty members to join our dynamic team. We seek candidates for three distinct positions, each focusing on the exploration and application of isotope effects:

  1. A noble-gas specialist with robust analytical skills. This position offers flexibility, available at the rank of research associate, technical staff (permanent), or tenure-track/tenured professor, contingent upon the candidate's qualifications.

  2. A physical chemist, eligible for appointment at the rank of tenure-track assistant professor.

  3. A molecular physiologist, also eligible for appointment at the rank of tenure-track assistant professor.


  ICIER is a cross-college and cross-discipline research hub. It is currently based off and growing out of the College of Earth Sciences and Engineering at Nanjing University. All of our faculty members are affiliated with different colleges in Nanjing University, including but not limited to Earth Sciences, Planetary Sciences, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Geography and Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, Medical School, and Life Sciences. 

Prof. Huiming Bao attended ISI + Isotopes joint conference in Zurich, Switzerland.


ISI + Isotopes 2022 conference organizer Dr. Joachim Mohn (EMPA, Switzerland) was giving a welcome speech on the morning of May 30, 2022.

For Prof. Bao's conference breifing please follow Wechat official account "高维度稳定同位素".

Prof. Bao is the only in-person attendee from a Chinese research institution in the conference.

Han, T., Peng, YB., Bao, HM. Sulfate-limited euxinic seawater facilitated Paleozoic massively bedded barite deposition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 582: 117419.
Ma, HR., Shen, B., Lang, XG., Peng, YB. et al. Active biogeochemical cycles during the Marinoan global glaciation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 321: 155-169.