International  Center  for  Isotope  Effects  Research

Nanjing University


  ICIER is a cross-college and cross-discipline research hub. It is currently based off and growing out of the College of Earth Sciences and Engineering at Nanjing University. All of our faculty members are affiliated with different colleges in Nanjing University, including but not limited to Earth Sciences, Planetary Sciences, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Geography and Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, Medical School, and Life Sciences. 

Prof. Xiaobin Cao co-leaded the field trip of undergraduate students from School of Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing University from 2022-08-21 to 2022-09-10.

Han, S., Xie, C., Hu, X., Yarkony, D., Guo, H., and Xie, D., Quantum Dynamics of Photodissociation: Recent Advances and Challenges in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 14, no. 47, p. 10517-10530,
Hattori, S., Li, Z., Yoshida, N., and Takeuchi, N., 2023, Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in a Glacier Interior of High-Mountain Asia: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 57, no. 40, p. 15026-15036.
Sun, Xiang., Jiang, Hao., and Bao, Huiming., 2023, Triple oxygen isotope composition of combustion sulfate: Atmospheric Environment, 314: p. 120095.
Haiyang,W., Yongbo,P., Chao,L., Xiaobin,C., Meng,C and Huiming,B., 2023, Sulfate triple-oxygen-isotope evidence confirming oceanic oxygenation 570 million years ago: Nat Commun 14, 4315.