Fengtai Tong
Doctor of Geology
B-316, Modern Engineering Plaza
Responsibility: New experimental method development,laboratory management
E-mail: tongft@nju.edu.cn
Phone: 15156074363
Feifei Zhang
Master of Science in Inorganic Chemistry
B-316, Modern Engineering Plaza
Responsibility: Completion of the test task, Development of analytical methods, Management and maintenance of experimental equipment, Laboratory safety and hygiene.
E-mail: zhangfeifei198401@nju.edu.cn
Phone: 13626102452
Jiamin Wang
Master of Engineering
B-316, Modern Engineering Plaza
Responsibility: developing instrument control systems, equipment maintenance, safety and hygiene of the lab.
E-mail: jmwang123@nju.edu.cn
Phone: 13584073455
Yongqiang Kong
Bachelor of Science
B-316, Modern Engineering Plaza
Responsibility: Completion of the test task, Development of analytical methods, Management and maintenance of experimental equipment, safety and hygiene of the lab.
E-mail: 1666939613@qq.com
Phone: 18895700275