International  Center  for  Isotope  Effects  Research

Nanjing University


  ICIER is a cross-college and cross-discipline research hub. It is currently based off and growing out of the College of Earth Sciences and Engineering at Nanjing University. All of our faculty members are affiliated with different colleges in Nanjing University, including but not limited to Earth Sciences, Planetary Sciences, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Geography and Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, Medical School, and Life Sciences. 

2022-10-23 Group photo on Zijin Mountain
2022-09-26 Pro. Chris Butch from College of Engineering and Applied Sciences  gave us a talk named “Big data in biomolecular isotope mapping by machine learned fractionation calculations”.
2022-09-22 Photo of ICIER 2022
2022-09-01 Prof. Xiaobin Cao co-leaded the field trip of undergraduate students from School of Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing University from 2022-08-21 to 2022-09-10.
2022-08-19 Pro. Wei Li from School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University gave us a talk entitled  "Zn isotope fractionation at mineral/water interface".
2022-07-05 Dr. Naizhong Zhang from Tokyo Tech  gave us a talk entitled  "Abiotic methane formation in nature: information from clumped isotope analysis of laboratory synthesized methane".
2022-06-14 Dr. Bryan Killingsworth from USGS gave us a talk entitled  "A d18O perspective on SO4-H2O-O2 triple oxygen isotopes".
2022-06-08 Prof. Shohei Hattori won the "Hirata Award (平田賞)" for the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice (日本雪氷学会). The award ceremony and presentation will be given in October 4th, 2022.
2022-05-30 Prof. Huiming Bao attended ISI + Isotopes joint conference in Zurich, Switzerland.   ISI + Isotopes 2022 conference organizer Dr. Joachim Mohn (EMPA, Switzerland) was giving a welcome speech on the ...
2022-05-17 Dr. Junbo Ren from Jilin University gave us a talk entitled "Stable isotopes of Cenozoic mummified fossil wood cellulose and their paleoclimatic implications".
Wang, Z., Hattori, S., Peng, Y., Zhu, L., Wei, Z., Bao, H., 2024. Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Nanomole Phosphate Using PO3– Fragment in ESI-Orbitrap-MS. Analytical Chemistry.
Ouyang, D., Bao, H., Byerly, G.R., Li, Q., 2024. Light oxygen isotopic composition in deep mantle reveals oceanic crust subduction before 3.3 billion years ago. Communications Earth & Environment 5, 34.
Wei, Y., Yan, H., Peng, Y., Han, S., and Bao, H., 2024. Thermal-gradient-induced isotope fractionation during CO2-O2 triple oxygen isotope exchange. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 370: 29–40
Hattori, S., Ishino, S., Suzuki, N., Nakazawa, F., Oyabu, I., Tsutaki, S., Hirabayashi, M., Noro, K., Takenaka, N., Kawamura, K., Yoshida, N., and Motoyama, H., 2024, Latitudinal difference in sulfate formation from methanesulfonate oxidation in Antarctic snow imprinted on 17O-excess signature: Appl...
Han, S., Xie, C., Hu, X., Yarkony, D., Guo, H., and Xie, D., Quantum Dynamics of Photodissociation: Recent Advances and Challenges in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 14, no. 47, p. 10517-10530,
Hattori, S., Li, Z., Yoshida, N., and Takeuchi, N., 2023, Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in a Glacier Interior of High-Mountain Asia: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 57, no. 40, p. 15026-15036.
Sun, Xiang., Jiang, Hao., and Bao, Huiming., 2023, Triple oxygen isotope composition of combustion sulfate: Atmospheric Environment, 314: p. 120095.
Haiyang,W., Yongbo,P., Chao,L., Xiaobin,C., Meng,C and Huiming,B., 2023, Sulfate triple-oxygen-isotope evidence confirming oceanic oxygenation 570 million years ago: Nat Commun 14, 4315. 
Peng, Y., Hattori, S., Zuo, P., Ma, H. & Bao, H. Record of pre-industrial atmospheric sulfate in continental interiors. Nature Geoscience (2023).
Itahashi, S., Hattori, S., Ito, A., Sadanaga, Y., Yoshida, N. and Matsuki, A.: Role of Dust and Iron Solubility in Sulfate Formation during the Long-Range Transport in East Asia Evidenced by 17O-Excess Signatures. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 19, 13634–13643 (2022)