1. Tenure-track and tenured faculty positions at International Center for Isotope Effects Research, Nanjing University
International Center for Isotope Effect Research (ICIER) is a cross-discipline and cross-college research center at Nanjing University (NJU). We are seeking aspiring scientists around the world to join us. The positions can be tenure-tracked or tenured professors and start as soon as mutually agreed. Salary and benefits are competitive globally. More information on ICIER can be found at www.icier-nju.org.
Your background can be in any discipline of science as long as you have a keen research interest in the fundamentals of isotope fractionation in natural or experimental processes. The core identity of ICIER is a shared interest in stable isotope effects at the molecular level.
ICIER assembles and creates synergy among faculty members in various colleges and schools at NJU, including but not limited to Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Geological Engineering, Planetary Sciences, Geography and Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, Medicine, and Life Sciences.
ICIER has its independent office-laboratory suite that is equipped with state-of-art facilities. Both Chinese and English are the primary means of scientific communication at ICIER.
Nanjing University (https://www.nju.edu.cn/en/main.psp) is relatively small in faculty size and student body among the top universities in China, but ranks No. 20 (2016), No. 14 (2017), No. 12 (2018), No. 9 (2020) in Nature Index best academic institutions globally.
Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province, one of the most economically developed regions in China today. The city has also been the capital of many dynasties in ancient China https://cityofnanjing.com/.
Please feel free to send your inquiry about the positions and other opportunities to Dr. Huiming Bao (bao@nju.edu.cn), Dr. Xiaobin Cao (xiaobincao@nju.edu.cn), or Dr. Yongbo Peng (ybpeng@nju.edu.cn). You can also send us your application package directly (binding your curriculum vitae, a statement of your research and teaching interests, and the names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of at least three references as a single PDF file). Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis, but we do want to fill these positions in the next three years.
2. Postdoc and research scientist positions at International Center for Isotope Effects Research in Nanjing University
International Center for Isotope Effects Research (ICIER) is a cross-discipline and cross-college research center in Nanjing University (NJU). ICIER focuses on frontier researches that explore high dimensional isotope signatures, e.g. triple oxygen and quadruple sulfur, clumped, site-specific, and bonded isotopes, and their applications to diverse science problems. ICIER is equipped with state-of-the-art mass spectrometers and high-performance computing clusters for that focus. The Center will expand to about 20 in the next 5 years. More information about ICIER can be found at https://icier-nju.org/.
We are now recruiting postdocs and research scientists to join us. Once in these positions, you are still eligible to compete globally for Center’s tenure-track or tenured faculty lines.
Current projects include (with no particular order):
Modern- and paleo-atmosphere chemistry
Chemical reaction network and kinetics
Interfacial (e.g. mineral growth and dissolution; evaporation) and enzymatic kinetics
Methane, sulfur, and nitrogen biogeochemistry
Numerical modeling associated with C-O-S-H-N or water cycles in deep Earth history
Mantle geochemistry and planetary processes
Molecular dynamic simulations, machine learning, and DFT calculations
Development of high-resolution mass spectrometry
Please feel free to contact us to discuss potential projects listed or not listed above.
Preferred qualifications:
PhD degree or equivalent in geology, atmosphere, oceanography, biology, environment, physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, computer science, or related fields.
Salary and Benefits:
Competitive; being commensurate with experience and qualification.
Application procedures:
To apply please submit your CV and a cover letter stating research interests electronically to Dr. Xiaobin Cao at xiaobincao@nju.edu.cn.
For inquiries, please contact Yongbo Peng at ybpeng@nju.edu.cn or Huiming Bao at bao@nju.edu.cn.
All inquiries and application information will be considered as strictly confidential. Nanjing University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Job location
Nanjing University Xianlin campus, Nanjing, China