Ziluan Chen
Major advisor: Xiaobin Cao
Office: A-439
Grade: 2020
E-mail: chenziluan@smail.nju.edu.cn
Phone: +86-189-6259-0123(Wechat is the same.)
Research interests
Now my research interest is quantitative determination of isotopic composition of samples by spectroscopy. I prefer things related to geography and experiments.
B.Sc. in Geology at Jilin University. June 2020.
Ph.D. candidate in Geology at Nanjing University. 2020 to present.
Top 10 Volunteers of Nanjing University for the 2022-2023 Academic Year
National Scholarship (2018-2019)
University Excellent Graduate Student (2023)
University Excellent Student (2018-2019, 2019-2020)
Honorable Mention of 2019 Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling